@markosaric how do you deal with them except for releasing feature first / having better support?

@jonn there's nothing you can do really. perhaps if one becomes a serious competitor we can go after them with the AGPL but otherwise i just ignore them other than a bit of fun on social. there's more important stuff to do. and there's way too many copycats because we're transparent about our success/open source. doubt many of them will survive past the domain name expiration date. i just hope they don't trick too many people into signing up doing this stuff


@markosaric interesting. Maybe we should make and popularise tineye service where you upload a bit of code and it finds where it likely originated from?.. I can probably write something like this reasonably quickly after I'm done with prototype.

It would also help to detect and *Cough-cough-*nese software forks (like ones that suffered from). I may or may not have had an experience being contracted by a company which ended up with my team saying "it's a poor copy of an old Ethereum version, we can't do anything because it is unclear what is the project".

@jonn could be interesting if it scans the web and sends a notification when it finds something. i discover these copycats mostly as they try to promote themselves to people that talk about Plausible etc

@markosaric yeah, it's actually a pretty sweet way to right there. Subscribe to the scraper, get notifications, authors of code / deployers and maintainers of the system get some margin for maintenance.

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