@jencmars it's called "Ragana Press" ("Ragana" means "witch" in Latvian), we're using Discord to coordinate (ugh). We're using our friend's notion.so to take notes (ugh). We're doing it as a hobby business.
Currently we have three projects:
1. A short mystery adventure.
2. An index card based roleplaying system
3. A #ColdWar / #Espionage themed #dungeon23-style content.
@jencmars I'm mostly doing 3 now, my colleague is an author of 1, I've typeset and play tested 2 by now and it's well received. I think, the most important bit now is to figure out how to slice a considerable amount of stuff we have into zines. How to release those and how much to charge for what. Note that we're very anti-print on demand (or any other printing). The only thing we're gonna be printing is the card ttrpg because physical medium is a huge part of the idea.