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@malwaretech btw, this is why cooperatives rule in terms of performance! But please let's remember that it's ok to be a strategist / coordinator / manager and it's also ok to contract people to scale. I built several companies from 0 and at some points in the histories of each of those I had to step down as a craftsperson and move to manage systems that have scaled up.

@malwaretech surely one can't cheer on both at the sane time, right?

My question for you though is how can you not cheer when people who chose to stay in twitter after 2022 or Facebook after 2017 get karmic justice? These two companies specifically.

@cblgh @cancel why would you. I think, nginx would just not serve / your cloud provider / ISP would circuit break the route / etc..

So the worst that can happen is downtime. Right?

I didn’t really expect such a small change as ripping our Twitter link out of #LineaSketch and replacing it with our Mastodon to feel as good as it did but boy, did it. Lots more to go. 👍

a long and beautifully introspective text that unfortunately entirely ignores the main, most obvious and prominent problem, distracted by interesting, complex details:

no problem in reading the #russian classics even despite all it's imperialistic load...

...if one already knows and understands it's own classics!

that's exactly the problem: #pushkin (as a symbol of the russian world) has always tried to _replace_ local cultures!

don't you see it, clever analysts?

In case you wonder how progress looks like. A war crime opener into war crimes, sprinkled with some more war crimes. They can't do proper house-to-house combat while taking towns, so they resort to this.

P.S. There's more than ethics and morals when it comes to waging a lawful war. There's also pragmatism. If and its people who are waging this war would want to retain the occupied territories and exploit them as conquerors would normally do, they would've waged a just war. The things they do is a clear indicator that they're interested in things *other than* the territory and *other than* exploitation of Ukraine. They are interested in PR. A soldier vanya is interested in r*ping and stealing, an officer borya is interested in not getting assaulted by zagradotryad kadyrovites, general tolik is interested in reporting "progress" and the people at the top are interested in showing their population that they are strong and capable. And this is important — their population: babushkas, village alcoholics and even moscovites and those living in the swamps of neva... Most of them are happy that someone finally got it worse than them. And that someone is so close, nearby! They listen to their pundits whenever their army makes "progress" and they are elated, ecstatic. We see that in the polls that actual independent journalists from inside russia publish on youtube. These are the real goals of the war. And today's video of russian war crimes from Maryinka illustrates it by showing army's modus operandi.

@easternborder es gan dožģ gan meduzu lasīju no karas sakuma. Dožģā ir tads interesantais čels Fišmans. Viņš savās raidījumos no pirmās dienas covertly izmantoja anti-Ukraīnas retoriku. Personīgi, man jau 1. Marta bija jau ar Dožģu viss saprasts. Un kad viņi savu pozīciju izteka publiski un overtly, manuprāt Latvijas valsts (konceptuāli) izdarīja vienīgi pareizo lietu (get it? lietu. lietus. haha).

Ar @meduza_en ir tāda paša problēma. Man ir daži analīzi kur es demonstrēju ka viņi izmanto pro-krievu retoriku, atkal, covertly. Piemēram viņi linko pro-krievu materiāli un bullšito ķipa ka viņi min visus viedokļus.

Es domāju ka mūms jādara tādu pašu programmu ka Igaunija: atrast lojālus krieviski-runājošos žurnālistus no jauniem un uztaisīt non-cringe valsts media krievu valodā. Tad mums nevajadzēs nekādi pūsmēri ka @meduza_en vai dožģ.

@easternborder paga, Ždanoka joprojām var staigāt? Jokus malā, es cēru ka normālie krieviski runājošie latvieši cīņas ar tādu sūdu. Es, ka krieviski runājošs latvietis mēģinu gan runāt ar tiem ar kuriem ir iespējams kaut ko sarunāt, gan informēju draugus un valsts par tos kuri ir too far gone.

Piemeram ir tads hujs Edgars Pļaviņš. Viņš ir tipiskais vatniks[1], kaut etniskais latvietis. Es cēru kā tādiem čeliem būs vispirms sociālas ietekmes, un pēc tām ari juridiskie.

Ja atgriezties uz tēmu, manuprāt ļaundabīgie un ļaundarīgie cilvēki mūsu sabiedrībai nav vajadzīgi. Piemēram ir daudz pro-Ukraīnas cilvēki, kuri ari ir pedofili vai aizsarg pedofilus. Pavels Veretennikovs, Pavels Nazarovs, Dmitrijs Bočarovs (es nevaru saprast kāpēc viņus organizācija "Kultūra. Iecietība. Draudzība." joprojām eksistē) un Vladimirs Ļitvinskijs, Viktors Matrosovs, utt. kuri viņus aizstāv (Ļitvinskijs ir kaut kāds kvazi-direktors 40. vsk un Progmeistars). Priekš kam mūms (vai Ukrainai) ir tādi biedri? Manuprāt ir labāk lai sabiedrība zina par viņiem, par tiem kuri dehumanizē gejus utt.

Bet es arī varu saprast viedokļi ka kara laikā ir vienalga un domāsim par šo pēc karas. Nez, tough stuff to figure out. Bet vatnikus uz maskavu, that's for sure.

[1]: watch?v=puyUX2aaeUA

@easternborder es pašlaik dzīvoju Lielbritānijā un man pēdēja informācija par to kas notiek politiskā realitātē ir ka saskaņa beidzot neiebalsoja Saeimā. 🎉 🥂

Bet es regulāri runāju ar draugiem kuri palika tēvzemē un man ir (varbūt neobjektīvs) viedoklis ka sabiedrība ir diezgan savienota.

Piemēram, maniem krieviski runājošiem draugiem ir viennozīmīgi pozitīva attieksme priekš padomju dildo nojaukšanu.

Bet jā, es protams piekrītu, mums jādara visu lai sabiedrība būtu apvienota! ✊ 🇱🇻

@easternborder o_o kas notiek? I thought that we're on the good track in terms of individual liberties and stuff with Progressivie, etc.

@easternborder holy shit, the comments are so... Random? :)

Anyway, wrote a comment.

I keep being both ahead and behind of at the same time.

In the spirit of time traveling, here's the Feb 4th entry.

More -compatible goodies from the adventure we're making with .

@lootthebody someone should write inspired module. I think your toot is a good start already.

If you don't buy @lootthebody's the moment you learn about its existence, you have no soul. <- PDF (because saving trees is cool and buying paper stuff without a necessity is not); <- supporting musical album which is really cool and on topic and awesome!

As a rollerblading enthusiast, eagerly waiting for the rollerblade supplement! 🤣

More consumables in support of my content!

The pamphlet reads:

> Do more with less: take sage Ksrakk's crystalline chocolate on an adventure with you!

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@tivasyk i think that companies like Amazon want to do it. I think that normal mid-sized companies want to increase the quality of life of their workforce by augmenting the workflows "AI" support.

Wow, I didn't get ill after going to crowded places (while wearing a mask, of course) over winter holidays etc., but now I was basically chilling at home and got ill. I think I started washing hands less thoroughly and started touching my face again, and it makes all the difference.

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