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This person has reviewed everything from rock&roll to rock to some staples of prog. Titanic work!

Just popping in to say: Exciting life news! Today is my last day of work as a postdoc... because as of next week I become senior staff! (i.e. a permanent position!) 🪐🔭

More exciting news is that my husband has a position in the area lined up after finishing his residency - so only one more year of long-distance! 🥰 hmm, people say bearings don't matter, but they kinda do, ish? At least I can feel being faster on fresh bearings, tempted to try Bones Swiss Ceramic Bearings 🤔 that's absolutely amazing. I was never huge on the motorised anything (for instance, motorised bicycles are just too heavy to be practical for short under 20km trips), but I'll be eagerly following ATMOS GEAR progress.

that's how my gemini page looks now: gemini://

I've learned that there's a whole subculture of tech giant abuse.

I use it with a Redirector plugin in Chrome and FF and it feels great. Almost like we got our Internet back.

SDF is 35 this month, and I found the right blend of nostalgia to celebrate!

This is not my SDF account. A long time ago, I had a basic account. I was 13 (or 14?). I probably couldn't afford the lifetime ARPA membership (if that even was a thing back then, I no longer recall) -- it wasn't a factor because this was back when sending and receiving money internationally was still pretty hard so...

I definitely couldn't afford a fast computer. I didn't even have *my own* computer (1/n)

I wired the brick up as a very small external monitor, so you can, for instance, play Doom on it.


Economists who don't understand that we risk losing everything due to global heating need to get out of their air-conditioned offices more



If you’re not terrified by the climate & ecological emergency then you don’t understand the climate & ecological emergency.


this is the end of this meme

damn it's hard to caption a meme

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