If I have the source code of an #ios app, can I build it and install it on my iPhone?

@SonoMichele if you are using react native check out expo

@pola I have to use Xcode, the read me file says that for building the app so I installed hackintosh and I’ll try to do that


@SonoMichele I see, I would be intrigued to hear how it works out as I’ve recently switched from Mac so I’ve also been thinking how to go around Apple

@pola it is really, I mean REALLY slow but it’s running on a vm with 4gb of rams and 2 cores. I don’t know how to make it use one gpu so it’s a bit “broken”. Definitely not usable, I need it just to build the app and hope it won’t take ages

@SonoMichele ahh i feel your pain, sending you a virtual pat on the back

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