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Doma community uses Berlin Code of Conduct: https://berlincodeofconduct.org/

Unavailable content

Mastodon generally allows you to view content from and interact with users from any other server in the fediverse. These are the exceptions that have been made on this particular server.

Media files from these servers will not be processed or stored, and no thumbnails will be displayed, requiring manual click-through to the original file:

Server Reason
9478.ch Blocked 9478.ch for links to consp. theory.
aspirant.de Blocked aspirant.de and other servers for conspiracy theories.
gameliberty.club Hosting redpill scum
mastodon.li Blocked mastodon.li for links to consp. theories.
mastodon.ml https://social.doma.dev/@jonn/109302136798611855
noagendasocial.com Anti-vaxer instance

No data from these servers will be processed, stored or exchanged, making any interaction or communication with users from these servers impossible:

Server Reason
gitmo.life We don't tolerate conspiracy theories. Spreading them result in death and lack of prosperity.
liberal.city There is no place for extremism on social.doma.dev
lor.sh Moderators of lor.sh are affiliated with mastodon.ml
mk.phreedom.club Poorly moderated pro-russian instance harbouring many imperialists.
shitpost.poridge.club It's in the name
9478.ch Blocked 9478.ch for links to consp. theory.
aspirant.de Blocked aspirant.de and other servers for conspiracy theories.
gameliberty.club Hosting redpill scum
mastodon.li Blocked mastodon.li for links to consp. theories.
mastodon.ml https://social.doma.dev/@jonn/109302136798611855
noagendasocial.com Anti-vaxer instance