Just viewed some Python code I wrote in 2018.

Holy shit it looked horrible! But you know what, it worked and that was important back then when I started.

These days I pay even too much attention to the hierarchy and prettiness.

#python #developer #programming #programmer

@tapani I wrote some six years ago. Looked like back then, looks like right now.

Still readable thanks to declarative approach github.com/manpages/py-ken/blo github.com/manpages/py-ken/blo

NB I didn't care about hierarchy and prettiness then, and I care even less now.

All that matters is readability, discoverability, and the ability to navigate quickly. Arguably, excessive hierarchy dampens both navigation and discoverability.


@tapani the only thing I would have done differently if I was writing it today, I'd use for github.com/manpages/py-ken/blo, moved program entry point to `main.py` and removed all the dead WIP code like `solver.py`.

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