🌱 My Neighbor Mastodon

Just want to say thanks for the 15K followers. It's amazing how calming it can be for me as an artist to know that my biggest audience is on the Fediverse right now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who contributed to this.

#MastoArt #krita

@nafnlaus Thanks, I think the quality is OK even if I can sympathize with the example on the bug report.
Pro of 'low' quality+resize:
- lower stockage
- lower bandwidth
- best for ecology
- sometime jpg artifacts

Anyway, I post all the source, layered and hi-resolution of my art on my blog under a creative commons license ( for reusage , eg. wallpapers, and full resolution ). I consider here only "previews. That's why I'm OK. (and because, ecology 🌱)

@davidrevoy It's actually throwing away quality for no good reason, unfortunately. With proper handling we can compress JPEGs to half the size for a given amount of quality (or double the quality for a given size). And WebP improves that ratio by ~25-30%, and AVIF by ~50%. And then better dedup'ing (image fingerprintting) could cut server resources dramatically further. There's also proposals for a HQ (but less convenient) image option, with lower default size.


@nafnlaus I've been thinking about the issue.

Hot take: sacrifice availability and hotlink big images by default.

Keep LQ side by side and federate *it*.

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