Every time I say , I cringe.

Based on the works of bigoted, shallow people like and others, worse[1].

I should start to only use hashtag to distance from all that cringe.

[1]: teddit.net/r/osr/comments/tg31

@jonn But doesn't NuSR imply a very close relationship?

Also, what is NuSR actually supposed to mean?

@Yora to me it's OSR with two modifications:

1. Game design over tradition (design goals inform mechanics rather than simulation and tradition-compliance).
2. Inclusivity over bigotry (cherish diversity, not destroy it).

@Yora The rest is sort of inherited from OSR:

1. Cunning over head-on
2. Player skill applies to situations, not combinations of character's abilities
3. Weird over standard
4. Environment over personality
5. Real danger over pretend-danger
6. Simulation over collective narration

But the two points I mentioned in the previous toot make it clear if a system in front of you is . is, for example.

@jonn @Yora
If I may - those of us in the NSR do not use the term NuSR or NuOSR as it is nearly always logged derisively from the very bigots we are trying to oppose. A bit more info on my blog here, if you're curious:


I dive pretty deep into our efforts to build an inclusive, anti-fascist OSR style community.

For the "definitive" definition of the NSR I also highly recommend this post:


@yochaigal @Yora wow, it's an honour to meet you! I felt like community doesn't exist lol.

Thanks for the materials and links, gonna hop straight on!

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