@virtulis so there's a p2p book market called iBook.lv.

Apparently there's some person whose real name they know, who keep registering accounts there and trick people into sending pre-payments.

Apparently, administrators of the website got very upset and low-key doxed that person on the landing, along with some cute ways to detect con artists on p2p markets.

@jonn ah, I thought there was some hidden meaning in there :) but also yeah always surprised for people pulling that shit. Like, sooner or later people you've scammed will intersect with people knowing you personally, why tf would you want to burn everything for some 20 euros.


@virtulis that's why while I was working alone I was never taking pre-payments. If someone would then not pay me for the work done, I would lose 500 lats, and they would lose reputation. Sadly, when I started to employ other people, I started to ask for pre-payments because I have responsibility towards them. :(

@jonn tbh I still feel like shit about how I treated my obligations to employees earlier... sometimes wonder if this experience is the first thing that comes to mind when some of you think of me. I've probably done enough harmless weird things to outweigh that. But still, fuck previous me, that dude sucked.

@virtulis nah, it was all cool. I was underqualified, slow and with a tendency to over-engineer.

Working with you helped me to build up the competence and become just slow (which is a work style I grew to like, because attention to details isn't the same as over-engineering, and it seems to be hard for "fast" people to pay as much attention to details of the problem domain as it is for me).

So absolutely no hard feelings whatsoever! If anything, I've learned a lot about how far hacking stuff together in a semi-principled way can take one, value of good and predictable code structure and many other things.

I just hope that I was net-positive for the business!

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