Soooon I've been doing elixir for 3 months now and haven't speced anything, and run credo strict on ci. I'm guessing your saying it's going to bite me 😬
Do you have any suggestions for good material to read to start specing stuff?
@solka but if you ask me, ElixirLS plugin for VSCode provides nice suggestions. So does Co-pilot. Start by speccing some simple pure functions, then get familiar with unions and parametric types.
Just remember one thing: dialyzer can't go as deep as you like. Iirc, it parametrises 3-deep. Thus, list(list(list(atom))) is the same as list(list(list())) and is the same as list(list(list(boolean))). 4th level gets dropped. (Or 3rd! I don't remember).
@solka ask chatgpt to explain them 😃
Thanks for the tips! I'll mess with it this week! I was scared away by the dialyzer errors. They are hard to read!;