I've never been to Kyiv, but today I had a dream that I'm in Kyiv with my Latvian school friends.
It was dusk and all the lights were off, no electricity anywhere, but my Ukrainian friends were dancing to the light of power banks and keeping their spirits high as our other friends were fighting on the frontlines. It was a bittersweet dream, but also a reminder that peace and a sense of *relative normalty* comes at a cost of lives of infrantry on the frontline.
This is why heavy armour has to be shipped to Ukraine *WITH NO DELAY*. Almost a year has passed and there's no decisive military help from the West.
Don't get me wrong, the help is considerable, but it's morally and pragmatically on the SMALLER side of things rather than on the HIGHER.
We're balancing on the brink of #WorldWar3, arguably, it's as good as already started and we need to demonstrate that we have learned something from the #WorldWar2.