I have some gripes against DateTime.diff argument order, but my biggest, and it's not -specific is using word `filter` when one means `keep`.

In engineering, they say "filter" and specify *what particles it filters out*! Why do we speicfy which objects do we want to keep instead?!

Why not call it `keep`? :D

@jonn your water filter leaves you with some very dry tea. 🙃


@dersmon that's why I said "in engineering", to remove "water filter" counterexample, which is a vulgar term! 🤷

Also! Your blue light filter leaves you with a very blue light. 🤣

@jonn in your screenshot the carbon filter will not remove carbon (?). I think the nomenclature is unclear in general, not just in software.

@dersmon fair enough, but I'm yet to see a filter created specifically for a particular liquid (gases are liquids) and be named after it. Water filter comes the closest, but as I have demonstrated, water filter is a vulgar name for a set of filters. So even though I agree that some filters leak (pun intended) implementation details, filters never have the "keep" semantics.

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