
@garbados yeah, ruskies has occuppied my and many other counties, killed a lot of natives, now they (you?) keep doing it in with popular support.

As you can imagine, it's pretty traumatic, and it trauma trigger is certainly not what people normally expect when they see what can be a cute video.

This sort of stuff should be CWed for mental health.

@jonn you can tw whatever you like but i find your reasoning smacks of base russophobia. if the villainous deeds of the current government of the russian federation so sicken you that you cannot tolerate even the sound of the russian language — which is bigger than that government! — then you are going to hate learning about the ongoing genocides driven by the governments of the anglosphere

@garbados your response, Diana, "smacks of base" (???) whataboutism.

Also, frankly, of idiocy. The degree to which losing loved ones to occupation, losing culture and connection to the family history is significantly more traumatic than a conceptual idea of injustice can't be overestimated.

I am fairly certain it's useless to reason with you.

Enjoy your bubble, tovarishtch.

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