#mastodon social removed a post today.

It was a map showing the drastic shrinking of Palestinian territory since 1946.

I challenged it - and mastodon social agreed they were in error.

It seems some bad actor is going around taking down anything that highlights Israel's crimes - 75 years of crimes.

To that bad actor I say -- "The world is waking up to what Israel is, you can't stop that."

Here's the map again because the post was not restored.

#freepalestine, #BDS end the #genocide


@rzeta0 they shouldn't have removed it, but the authors of the map (perhaps, accidentally) made it misleading. A person who isn't paying attention may read it as if it shows a temporal progression of Palestine region and then country.

What fascist is doing in even right now, in 2024, is enough for any reasonable human being to call for an intervention and a forced . There is no need for (perhaps, accidental) manipulations.

Please note that I am not being sarcastic and I appreciate that this map may simply be made like this with no malicious intent, nor intent to misinform.

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