Looking to add more friends to my feed/messages :D (Always lol)

Feel free to interact with this post if you are into any of the following (Boosts are GREATLY appreciated)

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@wdsouth hi, Will! I love and I got into recently.

I also really want to get a group going for playing an adaptation of for , a system I made for being tactical and crunchy while being extremely beginner-friendly.

If you want to play online, it would be a banger.

@jonn Hey Jons, thanks for the follow! Netrunner is on my Learn To Play list and I keep putting it off lol.

The TTRPG sounds awesome, I confess I don't know much about Asphalt and Trouble but looking it up it sounds Mad Max and I love the sound of it.

Keep me in mind if you find others, because it sounds great. How would you want to approach it online? Roll20 or like over Discord?


@wdsouth yes it does and it is amazing! I personally am gonna run some sandbox arc more or less in spirit of game, probably fair-using IP, but if you want to run yours in a more mad-maxian style, it would be great! (I love changing game moderators during campaigns).

We use for mapping and for voice chat.


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