my god if i never have to read another article bagging on wholesome games and the people who play them it'll be too fucking soon

idk man speaking as someone who made a game with a wholesome story maybe sometimes people just wanna avoid friction because there's enough of that to go around in reality. maybe devs are not nefariously trying to desexualize queer identities. maybe the people who enjoy wholesome games are not necessarily problematic let alone, idk, like, fascist or something? where are you people getting this, it's so bizarre

is it just cause wholesome games are popular (wholesome games is like the biggest june showcase afaik) and you don't think they're valid art and that makes you angry? is that it? i don't get it

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@eniko what are 'wholesome games'? Are they real? Because my doctor prescribed only real stuff.


@Elena @eniko ! Probably the fan-made expansion. may be one, but the jury is still out. I didn't see play-throughs and I didn't complete it, but the inter-world book snippets are super fucking eerie.

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