@aspensmonster @jonn @vwbusguy @celesteh Clearly you think that symbol means equality. Maybe ask someone that lived under that symbol and will tell you…. If they don’t have PTSD from being afraid to have a normal conversation because of that symbol.
As things goes CPPP and USA aren’t that different they both fucked their citizens up the arse. One used lube. That’s the small difference
@aspensmonster ah! A tankie! That explains so fucking much. ❤️
What is it with commies and passion for countries with concentration camps.
I upgrade my insulin wish to surviving a trip to one such correctional facility, my man ❤️
@aspensmonster @jonn Do you even know what reeducation meant in the former soviet block countries?
Let me put it in layman’s terms: the book 1984 when we were finally allowed to read it it wasn’t anything special, it was just normal
@jonn I find re-education a preferable alternative to getting mired in fruitless wars on terror, but to each their own.