@marcan I'm sorry but you're escalating based on your subjective reading of Christoph Hellwig's mail. He has the opinion that Rust is detrimental to maintainability of the project and is acting to be heard. That's "everything he can do to stop this". He is entitled to (only) that.

This is the opposite of sabotage, which would be covertly attempting to hinder or damage R4L while feigning ignorance.

The way to proceed is for consensus or (Linus') fiat to acknowledge and overrule his concerns.

@marcan denouncing Christoph as a saboteur is not helpful, neither is pulling CoC considerations into this discussion. Acknowledge his opinion and plainly ask for it to be overruled once and for all.

Anything else, like calling him a saboteur needs to come with proof of sabotage. And for calling a CoC violation you better point out exactly how and where he's violating the CoC.

You have different styles of communication. That's what this is AFAICS, no more, and no less.

@equinox @marcan This. CoCs exist to keep bigots and abusers out, not to prevent political maneuvering over technical issues or punish the ones you don't like.

@dalias @equinox @marcan CoCs exist to keep asshole behavior out. [Draw the rest of the toot here]

@piegames @dalias @equinox @marcan@treehouse.systems yea, and what is more asshole than abusing CoCs to play politics? 🤔


@botahamec I mean, the person you discuss doesn't know how to behave and is toxic and antagonistic, but my point is that it's not an argument for or against Rust. Also, and I may be wrong, CoC should protect people, especially vulnerable. I may be wrong, but this seems like a beef between maintainers at the perimiter of subsystems.

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