Chinese war ships just off Hobart? What’s going on today? #tasmania #china

@SeaFury wow. heard about their exercise, but you can see?


@picard @SeaFury "exercise". It's basically hypnosis! We should never forget the real purpose of this bullying.

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@jonn No, I cannot see it! It feels weird that they would conduct tests so close to Australia and New Zealand @picard

@SeaFury @jonn ahh sorry i misunderstood. i can understand how weird it must feel. this is your home and it is like they are in your space, i guess?

as Jons, i believe that 'feeling weird' is part of the point. asserting that this is their region and not yours kind of thing. i fear the world will have a lot more of this kind of thing πŸ˜•

@SeaFury @jonn i do feel a sense of mourning in some ways, i think πŸ˜₯

@picard The world as we know it is changing- it feels surreal and unstable, prob best to detach from it for now @jonn

@SeaFury @jonn it does feel a bit surreal yes. here in europe i think we have no choice but to engage and not detach if we want to keep our way of life and values, but i am trying to look after my wellbeing too by not doomscrolling and only doing constructive things. even if 'constructive' many times might just be sharing music to help bring some light.

@picard I mean detach for now. I am an elder with very little to lose. You”ll be seeing me protesting (and maybe more) when the time comes @jonn

@SeaFury @jonn i understand πŸ™‚ and absolutely, we all must do what we need to get through these days. but the important thing is we know we are around for each other too. so i am, if you ever need anything πŸ™‚ or just to talk about techno πŸ˜„

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