I saw this segment on Times (UK) Radio where an older going-way-back feminist campaigner was telling a somewhat younger feminist and boisterous pal-of-Joanne-Rowling that she, the older lady, had fought every iteration of conservative bigotry going back to when they actually arrested and beat up and tortured gay people for being gay and the language of the anti-trans people sounds exactly the same as it did back then because the language of the in-group trying the beat the out-group into line is ALWAYS the same. The younger feminist snapped back that, well, you see, that's how WE (Joanne and her, I guess) are different, we're NOT the conservative Ancien Regime shitheads, we are proud liberals, so that tells you our particular notion of whom to unperson is just and correct, and, man . . .

I don't know how to fucking tell you this in a nice way because there really isn't a nice way but when you agree with Tories and Republicans and actual fucking neo-Nazis full-throatedly and out loud, specifically in support of a newly minted public Holocaust-denier, to insist your pet bigotry is the ONE bigotry in the entirety of a history of Proper Society stomping on the faces of marginalized people that is THE smart and well-meant bigotry, you've turned in your Decent Human Being Card. You are as right-wing as the shit you do and, TERFS, you are right-wing as every last fuck because - and I cannot yell this loudly enough - you agree with literally the shittiest people in the fucking world. And I know that won't move you to fuck off, as you should, or at least try to be a better person, but, in any rational timeline, it fucking well would.

"I AM LIBERAL," Joanne Rowling shouts while beating a Black American woman for trying to walk into a polling place in Alabama in 1958.

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@GrimmReality pssst you neither need to be a commie to be for equality, nor a billionaire to be bigoted 😉

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