Github Gists: 7 easy steps to push a local repository.
1. Go to
2. Type “coming soon” in the text box
3. Click “Create public Gist”
4. Copy the clone URL
5. `git remote add origin <url>`
6. `git push origin master -f`
7. There is no step 7!
@jkreeftmeijer I stopped using gists ever since they started to require login to view or search or something?
@jonn Ah, I didn’t know that, actually.
I use Gists for quick snippets, but also to put my writing in for per-article revision control. I might have to move to a full-blown repo then. 🤔
@jkreeftmeijer I abuse branches for per-item revision control. For example my small program “archive-trap” for naive configuration management and bootstrapping basically just commits things into completely independent from each other branches.
Git is powerful and handles it really well.
@jkreeftmeijer if you're using it as a snippet *repo* just use a srht repo called "snippets"? Idk.