
I would like to learn more about current users' experience with de-googled smart phones.

If you have a de-googled smartphone, please tell me its model and approximately what did you have to do to achieve it.

I.a. Which OS do you use?

II. Overall experience
II.a. How's you experience with performance?
II.b. What do you use for video calls?
II.c. How is your experience with video calls regarding signal lag and quality?
II.d. Do you use bluetooth headset? If so, are there any problems with making it work with your phone?

III. Work and the phone
III.a. If you could share some redacted screenshots of the apps you use for calendar, it would be cute.
III.b. Are you participating in work-related comms with your phone? If so, which application do you use to do so and how did you acquire said application?

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