@minoru 35th. Team TBD. We've started write-up, but tl;dr: we wrote a bunch of shakers and a solver that was doing random single-vertex placements. First solver got us ~60th, combined with multishaker (the one that applies good vertex shakers for a while and then run greedy shaker) we got to 35th.

What about you? How big is your team? Which language (we used Rust).


@minoru I'm asking in part because this year we just had 4 people writing shakers and solvers, in 2014 when we got 4th we had 9 people writing AIs and languages to program pacman and ghosts. I'm looking to merge with some team (branding is flexible), because I know we can win the contest, but we often don't have enough people. I was prepping in 2021 and I'm going x10 for 2022.

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