I feel like SSH is underrated for creating networked applications. Out of the box you get user identities, public-private key auth, password auth, user level private storage (their home folder with the right permissions), and other things that I feel are frequently reinvented for many HTTP based APIs.

@robby and then a connection drops.

That said, I prefer SSH tunnels over VPNs all day every day.

As a matter of fact, github.com/manpages/dorknet/bl

@jonn true, but the same is also something the application must handle when making something like a websocket-based API, so I think it's not terribly unreasonable for the application to handle this. Also as @kristof mentioned, mosh could also be used for such applications, which is still SSH-based but more fault tolerant.

Also a big fan of SSH tunneling. I use it all the time woth my wonky network setups :blobcatgooglytrash:
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