
Found another fucked up instance:

Add to it to your instance blocks!

it seems like mr. jb55 at least has access to

the guy has way too much time on his hands hah.

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I make such conclusion b/c subj. account interacted with my toot within minutes from him tooting what I attached on screenshot. I may be wrong, but really sus.

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@jonn I know Will indirectly through a previous job.
He's big into cryptocurrency stuff, like the founders of the place I met him through.

@groovestomp I like the guy, it's a shame COVID takes such a huge toll on people's mental health.

@jonn Aye. Will is big into Nix, Linux and "the Unix way", so I immediately felt connected to him, but we are definitely on opposite sides of the blockchain divide. I think he blocked/muted/unfollowed me after I posted stuff critical of blockchain tech. Not sure, honestly.

@groovestomp he unfollowed me on twitter, but we kept talking here. Now I called out an antivaxer instance and that's it here, hah.

We used to talk to each other from back when I was doing mainteanance for bitcoind in archlinux and contributing to pycoin, hah.

Pre-100USD era. :)

@jonn Ah, you go back farther with him than I do! Nice!
Small world. 🙂

@groovestomp ridiculously small, to be honest. It makes me think about stuff that truly matters. I think that since it's not a huge list, people who are kind of pushing towards what matters in their respective fields converge and just bump into each other. Sometimes I meet someone from a circle which doesn't have a connection to mine and I'm more surprised that we didn't know each other prior than when I meet someone with whom I have mutual acquaintances.

Blocking poast and noagendasocial were probably my two best decision on mastodon to date.

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