Going to hand in my work laptop this morning!
Two awesome outcomes here:
- No more Apple products.
- No more work.

@groovestomp join doma.dev, we already have some customers and market validation.

@jonn 😁
I really appreciate the suggestion, but the plan is to enjoy some time off then focus on writing emulators, playing with FreeRTOS and doing these online embedded ARM programming courses I bought.


@groovestomp RTOSes are fun. I can introduce you to Peer Stritzinger of stritzinger.com/

He's really cool and perhaps you can get some coin for your passion via him :)

@groovestomp ew, I just now realised how weird word "coin" sounds in 2k22 :D

@jonn Ha ha. I immediately thought you were talking about a cryptocurrency-based compensation.

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