I'm happy to see a re-energizing of the fediverse, but I'll admit to feeling a sense of loss for my past few years of work.

I spent a good chunk of the past five years of trying various approaches to getting my former employer, Condé Nast, to set up a Mastodon-based community for any of its brands (Teen Vogue/Vogue, Bon Appetit, Them., Wired, etc).

It's not an easy problem to say the least, but the zeitgeist has now moved enough that it might actually be possible. Timing is everything, right?


@blaine I think that it can also be a driver of social networking for any bigger brand though. It's morally bankrupt to publish on the trump's social media; now that twitter is owned by a trump-head, it's as morally bankrupt to publish there.

A statement about quitting twitter from a bigger, yet fringe brand can be a very good move for everyone involved.

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