Actually now really interested in running my own instance on a #RaspberryPi that I have lying around. But I'd lose the great #Fosstodon local feed. Would there be a way of following it with #Mastodon or #Pleroma web UIs? Preferably without putting unnecessary pressure on the Fosstodon server also.

Of course, I don't have a static IP at home so I'd have to deal with that headache. I guess there's software to autoupdate #DNS records of a subdomain based on the current IP?

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@nicd actually, it tempts me to make a network of low availability (by design) servers. It may be unavailable to talk to the rest of the world, depending on how resolves actors (I'm completely ignorant of the protocol). But it is available, then we can use it to host stuff anywhere and be reachable via a fixed IPv6 in the yggdrasil network.

@jonn I've been actually working on my own federated microblogging protocol (mostly in my head) that would tolerate nodes being offline for any amount of time. But I have too many other things going on right now. :P

@nicd wait wait, did we talk about self-hosting yet? Because this is part of what I was thinking about based on my realisation that self-hosting is only possible if we let people host content from their phones. Here comes the genius part:

Which, in turn is only possible if the data syncs while the phones are charging (which happens every day).

But it means that we need to develop to extreme low availability.

@nicd we should do an prototyping hackathon or something some time this Winter?..

@jonn Having something work on a smartphone with the low availability would be an interesting challenge.

Problem with self hosting is IPv4 NAT and IPv6 not being available. Does Yggdrasil have tools to solve that? I don't know what it is really.

I should probably write my protocol idea down somewhere so that it could be commented on by others. :P

@nicd abuses ipv6 and works on phones because it also abuses .

But clearly the system will still have some conventional servers, public who don't self-host can connect to.

@nicd what do you mean? If your OS doesn't have IPv6 support, you should stop trying to use a washing machine to go online.

creates a new virtual interface (a virtual ethernet adapter). The only difference from is that is an open network! It kinda adds routing to wireguard.

@jonn I mean if your ISP doesn't offer you IPv6. I don't know how Yggdrasil works. How does one host something behind NAT in practical terms? Via a proxy server?

@nicd no, spin up yggdrasil, add an AAAA DNS record, enjoy life. That's how we host dev copies of services in

You can also point active load balancer to a swarm of such servers and have a high total availability btw.


@nicd the catch is that you have to have running on the client to connect, of course.

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