Anti-scraping people are tiring.

Federation duplicates data and the way masto is built, masto's federation backs it up for perpetual availability.

Scraping and archiving is another side of the same coin.

You opt into having a permanent record of your digital activity when you start posting online.

@jonn Wait, I saw something the other day that said that Masto data is ephemeral. Is it permanent or not?

(I *hope* it's permanent)

@nafnlaus one query is better than a thousand words.

Stuff we interact with gets permanently cached on our instances.

Maybe big instances work differently, but it's a matter of coping with scale rather than a design choice.


@nafnlaus to clarify — only *some* toots get federated. The criteria don't bother me too much, perhaps it's "got boosted in the last 30' unless someone from the instance has interacted with it".

Either way, it takes *normal usage* for a toot to be scraped by another instance.

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