Have you ever planted a tree?

#Poll #EvanPoll

This is great! I'm a "strong yes", as I've planted about 10 trees in our garden.

It was interesting to see so many comments about what qualifies as "planting a tree".

For you final 15%: I highly recommend trying it out!

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@evan interesting. I have confession to make: when I first saw your polls, the questions were mostly about opinions and points of view, so I thought that "strong" means "I believe so" and "qualified" means "in my opinion", as in "my belief is backed by qualifications".
A while ago I figured that my understanding of intended semantics was wrong, but I still continue voting like that :D

@jonn That's funny! I intend "strong yes" to mean "yes without reservations", and "qualified yes" as "yes, but..."

@evan yeah, over time I realised it, but I'm still being mischievous.

Thus, if there was a poll "Do you respond to @evan polls"? I would answer "Qualified yes" :)

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