@thomy2000 104 days ago it was the 30th of november, the 280-th day of the #russia's war on ukraine… thousands of ukrainians were already dead, some of them tortured, raped, burned… hundreds of children have been kidnapped by russia, often separated from their families…
…but good luck trying to find any mention of the war in the stream of the person you've just shared :-/ this is as close to a mention as i've found:
as if all the dead didn't matter.
@tivasyk @thomy2000 це ж хороший росiянин! Я не можу описати наскiльки такi люди мене бесять. У нас в команде інтелектуальних ігор е росiяне. Когда ми с iнчими латишами вирішили бойкотувати чемпiонат Великой Британiї з-за росiян-авторов пакета (хе-хе-хе), кожен росiйский але беларуский член наошої команди зараз почав грати жертву. Але зазвичай вони підтримують Україну і навіть жертвують на ЗСУ.
Моя гипотеза що рашiзм з голови неможливо вичистити повнiстю.
@tivasyk @thomy2000 а, свiт маленький. Я його бачив на воркшопе #RustNationUK.
Привит @laplab. Як справи?
@jonn @tivasyk @thomy2000 I am not going to comment on this situation. This person clearly does not know me and if this is enough for them to judge me so harshly, so be it.
@thomy2000 I think you should give this toot a read, because you don't seem to understand that #russiansArentVictims.
cc @tivasyk
@thomy2000 khui budesh?
@thomy2000 «from someone who hasn't talked about the war online» ― that's the whole point of my initial surprised reaction: why?
why not?
is it something a person can ignore? especially a person coming from the very country waging _that_ particular war?
ultimately: is NOT talking about the war OK?..
i think ultimately everyone answers for themselves.
@tivasyk I hate this mentality of "a person being however they act online", or in any single place for that matter. A person is not defined by their behavior online, nor by their behavior at work, nor by their behavior among friends, not even among their close family. They are defined by the sum of all of those. If someone chooses not to talk about a topic online, that's THEIR choice and I respect that. Is not talking about the war ok? No. Is it ok to only discuss it in real life? Yes.
@thomy2000 ok, i now better understand what you mean.
there's actually one possibility that makes your point valid to me: if the person's life would be directly in danger if publicly expressing an opinion.
however, consider this: isn't publicly opposing evil and supporting victims our «moral duty» as human beings?
is NOT mentioning the war but STILL grumbling about how difficult it is for russians because of the war somewhat... indicative of the person's perception of what's important?
@jonn All because I dare like a post from someone who hasn't talked about the war online.
**Audible sigh**
Anyways, you'll be the first person to go on my blocked accounts list. Congratulations!