@haskman @chshersh correct. Also, and arguably most importantly, can share TYPES between a browser and server. Example of an approach to this: github.com/FrigoEU/purescript-

@jonn @haskman By this logic, Kotlin should be the ultimate winner because you easily develop multiplatform applications (web, mobile iOS and Android, backend) and share the same code across everywhere. Sure, it's not as nice as Haskell or PureScript but the benefits of sharing the same types representation across multiple *ends is huge


@chshersh @haskman ah but that's where the other benefits come in. I think that with `any` is the winner, as it has better type system. I would love to have another type system interoperable with typescript, but dependently typed to be available too. With proceedings languages like demonstrate, it may be a reality soon.

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