@htothedip@fosstodon.org @neonbubble ah, I understand. I honestly just go for it these days. A lot of far left people are commies and while I was tolerating them before the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russians into , I've started calling them out about , and all the other "good stuff" soviets have done.

Hilarity, normally, ensues.

I figured that life is too short to be afraid of stinking communists!

@jonn @htothedip Yeah, I'm definitely an out and proud left-leaning centrist. I've seen centrists described as worse than the far right by the far left and that pretty much sums up why I've got very little time for either extremes of the political spectrum; it's the lack of having compromise positions or being able to consider them without prejudices that lead them quickly to anger and accusations and threats of blocks and bans and more. So, I'm here for the other stuff mostly.


@neonbubble @htothedip@fosstodon.org interesting. I have a feeling like I get along with many peope really well, but then again I advocate for and may or may not participate in direct action which is very in line with some of what anarchists, for one, are doing or dreaming about.

Now that I'm thinking about it, I think that this is our superpower — being able to unite groups with different values for the shared cause. This follows almost immediately from the definition of centrism!

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