🇺🇦 🇵🇱 Ukraine Warns Of Economic Woes Amid Border Protests by Polish Truckers, Farmers

“Blocking transport on the Polish border will have serious social and political consequences for both countries,” Oleksandr Kubrakov, Ukraine’s Interior Minister,

#News #Ukraine #Poland #War #Politics


@Snowshadow my friends at the front-lines can't get military supplies. I'm in the middle of a of products, as everyone should around the world.

@jonn I am so sorry. My heart is breaking for Ukraine.
This is not about farmers it is purely political as I see it.

#Boycott #Polish Products it is then.

@Snowshadow @jonn - it is about EU farmers and truckers losing their livelihoods to unfair competition. They have been complaining for a long time and Zelensky did not care. Instead the Ukrainian government sued Poland, Hungary, Slovakia in the WTO and put pressure on them through the EU. The result is the rise in anti-Ukrainian, anti-EU sentiment in Poland and anti-Polish sentiment in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the Polish gov. keeps delivering and repairing weapons, Poles keep hosting Ukrainians.

@tom_andraszek Thank you for this. Updated.
However, their timing could not be worse.
I wish people could just get along. So tired of all the wars during my lifetime.

@tom_andraszek @Snowshadow that is a very cool story, Tom.

Since you seem to be in the loop, can you please also tell us something about Rafal Makler, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, Robert Winnicki?

Regarding unfair competition: basically you're saying that it's unfair for countries at war to participate in the global economy? Sizzling take, I'll make sure to remind you of that take when the time of shall come.

I have no idea why I wrote such a long message when "khui budesh, vatnik" would suffice.

@jonn @tom_andraszek @Snowshadow Many things can be true simultaneously.
- UKR deserves 100% support
- The EU effectively granted common market access to UKR products without transition periods killing POL farmers and transport companies
- Some of the people protesting are pro-RUS far-right arseholes
- The vast majority of Poles support UKR
- The blockades are internationally embarrassing to POL and damaging to UKR
- POL continues to arm UKR and train its soldiers

@jonn - maybe because I donated the first few hundred dollars to the Ukrainian government account in Australia back in February/March 2022, and have been donating since to various groups and people helping Ukraine?

There are people in Poland who are pro-Russia or anti-Ukraine. That's not a secret. Many bring up Wołyń massacres at every opportunity. They would use an opportunity like this.

@jonn -
I am in the loop. Even though I live in Australia, I have family in Poland, I visit them, I follow events/close to source. Some of my wife's family are farmers in eastern Poland.
There is no free market in agriculture - it would bankrupt small farmers in the EU instantly. Millions of small farms disappeared in the last decade in the EU despite subsidies. Farmers are subsidised in Japan and in the US.

Ukraine is at war, but it does not give it a right to bully or guit trip other people.

@jonn - and the hashtags in your comment: boycott Poland. This is the stupidest thing to do for a country at war - call for a boycott of a country that sent them hundreds of tanks (T-72, PT-91, Leopard 2), planes (Mig-29), Krab, Grot, FlyEye, Piorun, Warmate, etc and went around asking others to do the same. Remember when the Polish PM went to Berlin to convince them to send more than just a truckload of helmets?

@tom_andraszek jokes aside, it's very wholesome of you to do that. We're on the same page in terms of what civilians should do.

Also, I have a deep respect for Polish people and even understanding of, although no respect for, anti-humanist people like you (see my longread).

Boycotting someone or something is not black-and-white. I wasn't drinking my favorite beer while Germany wasn't doing their part, but now I do. It's not like I despised Germans or even German government for the delay, I just don't have much tools to have an impact except for not buying their shit and convincing 10 people to convince 10 people to not buy their shit. Same with Poland now. We're on one side, currently my buddies near the frontlines can't get high-tech stuff because of Polish kremlin actors, so I do what I can to make sure that they do.

@tom_andraszek @jonn I did some checking. Polish farmers are having a hissy fit over a 5% exported food from Ukraine, at a time when Ukraine is fighting for it's life and democracy of Europe. Please take your "Polish farmers are losing their livilihoods" exaggerated comments somewhere else.

@Snowshadow @jonn -
1. I don't watch Sky News.
2. The 5% number was given as a share of Ukrainian exports, not a share of what Ukrainian imports are in the Polish market. Do more checking.
3. How would you feel if you had no earnings for a year and had no prospects of finding a job in your field ever?

1) That's good you don't watch sky news.
2)I am aware of the numbers.
3)Temporary unemployment vs the deaths of innocent civilians?
4)Temporary unemployment vs the death of democracy in Europe?
5) That is a very tough choice for you, eh?


@Snowshadow I thought Sky News is something where they discuss !

Implied reputation explains why they employ racists to comment on races (uh, I swear to everything that is sacred, there was no pun intended whatsoever).

Yeah sky news is = Fox news.
propaganda for the hard right.

@jonn Notice he never got back to me? I guess I made my point.



funny! The guy can't come to terms with the fact that border protests are -orchestrated to a degree when different support groups independently start to , he sees a conspiracy to "make the situation worse".

@jonn Aaahhhcckk. Just ignore him. Let him stew in his own juices. People like that can't be convinced despite what proof you present or how many people disagree. Not worth getting upset over. block him.

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