I #AmReading A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
A boy grows to manhood while attempting to subdue the evil he unleashed on the world as an apprentice to the Master Wizard.


#Earthsea #UrsulaKLeGuin #BrownAjahsBookClub

I'm 31% through A Wizard of Earthsea. One thing that struck me pretty quickly is how much the style of this is that of a storyteller. By which I mean there is a whole lot of telling instead of showing. The portion of this book that tells of the protagonist's childhood is so quick, where it would have been probably a quarter of a book by most authors these days.

#Earthsea #UrsulaKLeguin #BrownAjahsBookClub

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@hybridhavoc I don't get it. It's tell-not-show (which is kinda bad, I think), but also fast-paced? 🤔

I think tell-not-show is just a specific stylistic decision, not necessarily good or bad necessarily. Often times it stands out as bad in the middle of a story that is otherwise pretty consistent about showing you things. This feels much more like someone is telling you a story. It's also pretty firmly told in third person omniscient.

Fast-paced in that it's not taking the time to show you everything or give you the dialogue from every conversation. Not fast paced like a fight scene.

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