Why is it socially unacceptable to have certain set of meaningful activities one participates in with their dates / partners? For example, I love coworking dates or boardgame exchange dates. Gladly, most people I date understand that it's normal, but I have a strong setiment from many people which can be exemplified as follows:

— You do fun projects with all your dates! You're such a weirdo.


— You go to restaurants with all your dates! You're so normal.


@jonn yeah when I was dating I got some pushback for involving dates in some of my interests. Part of that was not actually having time to do separate stuff as I was doing my PhD at the time, but still.
Some weird attitudes.


@noodlemaz I think that maybe people assume that we wouldn't find time for some of our dates' interests too? I'd love to do fun stuff any and all of us cuties are passionate about!

But it's nice to see that other people had similar experiences too.

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