Earlier this month I have confirmed that ploopy.co is shipping electronics to .

To confirm that it's not a fluke, I have sent an E-Mail under my name posing as a commie and seems like their CEO has answered. 🤡

@EU_Commission do you have buddies in by chance? This stuff is not ok.

@jonn @EU_Commission "Hi comarades" is not «posing as a commie», and these are freaking audiophile headphones and weirdo mice.

Manually assembled with dumbest, not-rocket-guiding electronics ever.

John, please.

@cab404 feel free to ban me from your channel, I'll find other ways to learn about companies that deal with russia 🤷‍♀️

Even if they would have been selling actual sugar (not ryazan one), I'd report [on] this stuff.

@cab404 I mean, I presume that the mice they sell do have microcontrollers in them. Currently some people from Latvia with suspiciously slavic surnames are facing jail sentences for selling microcontrollers. (See situation I reported on).

I normally:

- Gather information,
- If the company is in the EU, I use my own channels to report,
- If the company is outside EU, I just shitpost and hope for best

@jonn I don't think they send parts. They send devices. And if I've read embargo docs correctly (which I probably did not, so I've booped kagi's fastgpt kagi.com/fastgpt?query=Do+head).

Mice, however, may fall under that embargo (kagi.com/fastgpt?query=Do+comp)

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