Just basically gonna have to assume for the rest of our lives that any cloud/content hosting service offered for free is at best temporary and at worst some kind of trap

@mcc sorry, what? Slack never promised that it'll hold locked assets forever.

That said, it's crazy to assume otherwise? 🤔

@jonn I feel like this is a really wierdly aggro reply. I don't use Slack. I stopped using it when they started locking old assets in the first place and the project I was with switched to Element. I got the email above for some other person's Slack entirely which I briefly had an account on in like 2013 I think.


@mcc I''m sorry that I failed to calibrate my tone! I don't want to be unintentionally obnoxious, especially towards people with whose sentiment I agree. I hope you'll accept my apology!

To put it in a dry / non-aggro form — I think that it's a social contract that when a person uses proprietary software that holds their data, the data is no longer theirs and is at the mercy of said proprietary service. It's bad, obviously, and I wish we would live in a world where cohosting user-generated data would have been trivial (a startup idea?), but it is naive to pretend that corporations are providing free services for anything but marketing purposes.


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