
I remember when I knew codebase through and through.

What I love about these 11 years is that despite the growth in the abstractions used, stayed sound and principled.

Every time I use `useEffect` hook, I feel warmth of good and foundational software engineering.


Not sure if your being sarcastic. I think everything _except_ useEffect is sound.

I have to re-explain that hook any time I'm in a react team.

They even changed the meaning on the most recent docs. Used to be that it was "useEffect is to do side-effects of the render function. Runs after mount" (already a bit tricky) now it's for "synchronizing a component with an external system." (???)

@yaeunerd I just re-learned React recently, so for me useEffect made perfect sense, specifically as modelling relation between an effect (external system) and some dependencies.

To me it kinda felt a lot like 's Eff monad? Idk.

Maybe I like it because I don't understand it, but I'm tempted to read the code of useEffect to learn.


I think your approach is definitely more enlightened.

Years ago, I just read the docs,thought I got them, and then promptly shot myself in the foot a few times until I _actually_ got it.

But it's very funny that you picked the hook that has had the most amount of anger and besument thrown at it.

@yaeunerd tbh I just love how they handled hook dependencies! It's just beautiful.

@jonn @yaeunerd So what do you think about signals? Where the dependencies don't need to be declared.

useSignalEffect(() => {
// calling `.value` makes this effect run each time signal value changes
const value = signal.value;

// using `.peek()` allows getting signal value without subscribing effect to changes
const anotherValue = anotherSignal.peek();

console.log(value, anotherValue);

Even better: change in a signal does not necessary mean a render needs to occur.

@MerriNet @jonn

Haven't had the chance to play with signals yet.

On my last few jobs that required react the "bossman" didn't allow signals because they were yet another dependency and were too new at the time.

Can't judge without using them for a while.

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