
@dcoderlt I was telling a young colleague that my first computer had 8MiB of RAM and couldn't believe it myself.

There was so much stuff going on. And on Windows today, windows key doesn't always work to summon the start menu. 🤪

The first computer I used ran MS-DOS, and I still have fond memories of a game called Supaplex that was my only entertainment on that thing.
The first computer I had at home had 32 MB of RAM and Red Alert 2 was a slug. I was so happy when I bought an extra 128 MB stick 😎 I also remember buying some computer magazine with a BeOS live CD, that was a cool and very snappy thing to play around with :)

@dcoderlt supapleeeeeeeeex.

Also, yess, also 2nd computer with 32MB (Celeron 433MhZ) and also upgraded to 128. was the sluggish game of choice for me.

Also, omg, did you also put in 128MB along with 32 and only years later learned that it was a mistake?

Oh yeah, Tiberian Sun still has a very special place in my heart. Such a great vibe.

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