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Hey, @vwbusguy , do you mind not putting soviet swastikas in the feeds of people who follow you by re-tooting @celesteh and other folks who are really into spreading hateful ideologies? Thx.

@jonn @vwbusguy @celesteh Soviet swastikas XD If it weren't for the Red Army you'd still be living under the banners of actual swastikas.

@aspensmonster @jonn @vwbusguy

Antisemitism is not an essential feature of communism. Stalin was just a bigot and I'm not endorsing or defending him by using a symbol also used by ancoms.

When the Unicode consortium includes the flag of the Jewish Labour Bund, I'll switch to that. If the complainer is Jewish or GRT: sheesh.

But if they're not, they can fuck all the way off. Honestly, offensive.


You are endorsing soviet union by using soviet swastika, my dude.

I have a low degree of compassion for clueless westerners who never lived in that country, so I appreciate to a low degree that you aren't a fan of stalin. Buuuuut it's not like he invented soviet concentration camps. Gulag programme is known to have started by early 20s.

It's cute that you're willing to drop the swastika some time soon! But if you care about antisemitism, please study antisemitism in ussr. It's not "just stalin"!

In the old country we had quotas for Jews enrolling into unis, and special ghetto universities for overeager Jewish people. Also, there was an attempt at an actual dedicated ghetto called Yevreyskaya autonomnaya oblast (created after 1924, but, you know, it still exists).

But most importantly – throughout the entirety of the history of the country which flag you proudly fly, there was systemic oppression of common folk of different countries russians have colonised by forced displacement, which was also quota'd!

Displacement was organised in cargo trains (even though it was supposed to be passenger trains by decree, but that's another russian trick – "tzar is kind, it's the vassals who are the problem") and mortality rates on these trains was tens of percents. Displaced people were replaced by russians.

I think, if you have some empathy, you can understand why I call your fave Unicode codepoint "a soviet swastika" now? 🤔


@celesteh me too. Did you also live in soviet union?

@jonn @celesteh It's pointless. The "communists" literally murdered people here as an official business (in addition to all the frequent accidents) and even our country has plenty people who would welcome them back.

I can only imagine that people who safely watch that across the ocean are even easier to fool with selective half-truths and propaganda.

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