Where are the news media, public officials? This isn’t nothing, FFS. Why isn’t everyone who can, blasting him? Not lukewarm politicalspeak, BLASTING.

Via Aaron Rupar‬:

#Trump on American citizens: "If we could get these animals out of our country and put them in a different country under the supervision of somebody that made a relatively small fee to maintain these people ... we don't want these people in our country."

@GottaLaff it really doesn't do me any good to have to do a search in a browser, only to end up at someone's X page where I can't even see what you mentioned. dude doesn't even look like a legit reporter anyway.

@QueenOfTheCroneAge @GottaLaff and you sound like a cunt, judging somebody online like a total bitch. fuck off.

@SnowshadowII what happened? I only see the toot where he asks for a source, then gets called "stupid" and lashes out. ("via Name Surname" is not a source; posting disinformation even for our cause is actually detrimental to our cause source: John Oliver 😂).

But I may be missing something! I hope I do.

He asked for a source, she gave it though not with a link but he could have done a quick search (30 seconds) but was too lazy and became more rude. Through the thread he escalated the situation with insulting comments . You saw the beginning and end result. He was itching for a fight.
I don't know about you but when I need a source I try to be polite about it not march in making demands.

@SnowshadowII idk, I hope the guy actually insulted someone first, because in my mastodon client it shows only roughly four toots as I described. Last job of the source I've been able to verify was an editor at Vox in 2021... I wouldn't ever use the horrible language that guy used, I don't like him, I like you, but this, again, from the toots I see, is a weird look. 🌜


You don't think conversation this was rude?
"source plz?"
" I gave you the source. Aaron Rupar."

"it really doesn't do me any good to have to do a search in a browser, only to end up at someone's X page where I can't even see what you mentioned. dude doesn't even look like a legit reporter anyway."

My take is he obviously did a search but wasn't satisfied , so rather than check to see if the reporter was legit, he basically accused Laffy of spreading false info.
If he didn't like the "look" (who cares what someone looks like as long as they are credible) of the reporter he could have simply scrolled on by.

if he had bothered to take a second to look online he would have found this info as did others:

"@fourTACOS @QueenOfTheCroneAge @GottaLaff Troll all you like, but 2 seconds of research provides you an answer.

Aaron Ruper posts on Bluesky as well and provides video clips from media news feeds for pretty much everything he posts about.

It’s also possible to search for “Did Trump say…” which would lead you to, among others, where Aaron cross posts those same clips to Threads:
Bluesky Social · 2h
Aaron Rupar (@atrupar.com)
Trump on American citizens: "If we could these animals"

The point is he didn't know Laffy is reliable , he was in a cranky mood, lazy, looking for fight and started one.

Do you see the problem, or am I missing something?


@SnowshadowII I kid you not, in good faith, I couldn't find the source in a brief search. Maybe because I'm stupid, idk.

But importantly, I think it's not only ok to assume disinfo, but advised to, while getting engaged with extreme claims *even about the nazis*. That's actually what is different between us and them – we are mostly making judgments based on evidence.

Also, let's be real, even practically, the burden of proof (or evidence provision) is on the person who makes a claim. In fact, I find it disrespectful when people post sensationalist stuff with hearsay sources. Not quite irritating. What I find irritating is when someone chooses a quote or a part of conversation they had irl, rephrases it in their own words (ad absurdum) and then toots a straw-man around it. I normally ask for details in such cases and unfollow if they don't provide them (because I respect my time).

But even if I'm insulted, I wouldn't use the words the guy used. But let's conclude this, I think we just have different thresholds for different kinds of social interactions.

I'm also Latvian – pleasantries weren't invented in my country when I was growing up. We're polite but often very direct. 🤷


I understand your point and I always make sure I have a link to a source for anything I post, of know where to find one because I never want to post disinfo or misinfo.
And, when I come across an unfamiliar source I check it our carefully before I use it on social media.
However, if I question someones source, and I have quite often, **first** I run a search on their source ans if I discover it is not credible, I quietly mention it to the person and show proof of my reasons with a link. Nearly every single time the person has thanked me for pointing out their source is not reliable, then either deleted or edited their post.

I am ***often*** accused of being too blunt --all the time in fact - but his behaviour in North America was rude and not acceptable.

Many would disagree, but thank you.


Laffy was correct. see my post... with a link


@SnowshadowII +1 he's hella rude but also re: finding out who Aaron Rupar is, it really is not that hard if you have even the slightest idea how to research someone on the US internet. That being said I try not to jump to assumptions about people's IQ/education but even if I do outright insult is still uncalled for. So I don't fault him the extreme reaction quite so much since QueensoftheCroneAge invited the troll to really come out when they just went straight to "You're stupid!!"
cc @jonn

@fixiemama @jonn
Please can we discuss this tomorrow? There is a crisis brewing in the middle east.
Tag me tomorrow to remind me, please.

btw...I am not trying to be dismissive or rude.,...

@fixiemama I won't sink much more time into this, but it seems like the guy is very-very washed – linkedin.com/in/aaron-rupar-0b

It's ok to have no job since 2021 on principle, but he flexes his work with , which, no doubt was great (I didn't check)! It just screams "washed" to me.

Also, and I can't stress that enough, if you are fighting for a cause and make a claim, attach a source. "A journalist" is not a source (even when they actually are a professional journalist, which is a stretch in this case).

Mind you, "a newspaper" is also not a source, nor a link to an article in one which doesn't mention sources.

Anyway, seems like we're on the same page, except I am not sold on the whole troll label. Just an unpleasant man with whom I would prefer not to be in the same room.

Still, none of this is a good look for the cause.

P. S.

1. Brief Search, Latvia
2. Brief Search, UK

@jonn To each his own. I followed him on Twitter for years and I follow him here, now. He's a true journalist which is why he's independent (self-employed counts as a job, it's also know as running a small business). I don't need to verify his chops, I already know I can trust him as a reporter.

Thanks for looking into it. 👋🏼🤙🏼

@jonn here's my P.S., I did a little searching. Not sure what you were looking for in your searches, I look for more information on a person (meaning I follow links and look at them and then go back to the search page for more links).

Since this is just a preview it's not very long.

@fixiemama that's fair, my demo was more of a rant against google being garbage. :)

Thank you for telling more about Aaron, I have been unfair to him. Perhaps he (just like I) simply doesn't care about anymore.

If anything, this conversation has increased my follower list by a bunch of nice and wholesome people ❤️

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