With this move of overtaking Gaza, don't you think Trump is leaving the door wide open for another terrorist attack?

@SnowshadowII @GottaLaff

Oh, parish the thought. Parish being the operative word in this case.

@zenheathen @Wileymiller @GottaLaff

I was thinking this:
He is angering everyone in the M.E.
There could be a terrorist attack
He wants Canadian resources
He has overrun the CIA and FBI, thus controlling any narrative.

Add it up.....


@SnowshadowII also when one fires all the non-compliant people from intelligence services there are a couple of things that follow immediately:

1. the average competence of the service reduces as competence is often (but not always) is concentrated in those who speak up
2. small number of ex-operatives defect or start spying against the state

Both well studied and understood by learning the history of kgb.

In result, your grim take is only more probable.

Yes, that is what I was thinking too.
I wish and hope I was wrong.☹️


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