@atomicpoet try posting something anti-communist on Lemmy main instance or on lemmyngrad
@jonn Thankfully, you don’t have to post to Lemmy main instance. You have options because you’re not stuck in a walled garden.
@atomicpoet but development of if absolutely is. There are alternatives not made *and controlled by* stalinists.
@atomicpoet how about you go and... (sorry, I'm not good at passive aggressive responses)... stop promoting stalinist trash? 😅
@atomicpoet these words you say, they sure form sentences. It low key feels like you're a stalinist apologist? 🤔
Read up, my dude: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_deportations_from_Latvia, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulag,
https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/36737948.pdf (NB! This one is particularly relevant)
I hope you'll get to experience what you preach first hand 🥺 ♥️
@atomicpoet thank you for a reasonable response. I strongly disagree, especially if you don't mention lemmy dev team, but I can see some consistency and I'm glad you're not a lemmy user 🙂
I think that Reddit is, sadly, not better than Reddit. But also Reddit was kinda weird. I've always tried to minimize my presence there. Remember /r/watchpeopledie? What sort of twister mofos would be content with that on their fave platform. Always felt like 4chan for normies, and after the corporate takeover, I don't even know what it is. An ad? 😂