
@SeaFury how good are you? Want to play some day?

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@jonn I never stopped playing. So I am ok :) Lets play!!!

@SeaFury oh no, I will waste your time. 😭 I'm very bad

@SeaFury my biggest achievement is 1-2 vs a B-ranked protoss.

I also once had a slight advantage against the second best Croatian protoss...

@jonn I actually don’t know how good I am because I only play with one other person. Let’s play!!!

@SeaFury okay! Next Wednesday your morning? Like 9AM ACT (Canberra time) if possible, it will be 11PM Tuesday in London.

If not, we could try my morning same day, so your Tuesday evening.

Time zones are epic.

@jonn Sure! Lets meet at that time. So a 3 hours less than a week away?

@SeaFury I'm putting that into the calendar. I will need to download remastered, correct?

@SeaFury I'm ready to destroyed by anyone! I hope that Pete will distract you enough so that I have a chance, bhh

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