👋 Some personal news→ Pssst, I’m quietly available / back on the market (it’s all good, more of a change of seasons type of thing as my engineers are heading elsewhere), so if someone’s org is looking for a marketing leader / GTM / community shaped person, now is the time to hit me up. I’m in the San Francisco Bay Area and prefer to stay on the technical/devtool/OSS/infra side of AI/ML — or perhaps cybersecurity if someone can talk me into it.

My LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/joylarkin/

Thank you! 🙏

@joy we probably can't afford you as we're super early stage and barely scraping £420K in pre-seed at 5M post-money, but would love to pick your brain about gtm for docsend.com/view/xpnkbxhs5nybd

There are a lot of possibilities and eventually we'll need to choose the approach and execute on it 🤔

Hey @jonn

Let me know a way to continue this convo over email, as I'm open to a little bit of advising.


@joy since then we seem ti be looking at £920K, which has made everything a bit more confusing.

jons at geosurge.ai

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