Canadians have a reputation for being nice, but nice does not equal weak. Canadians hold strong values that give us a deep resolve. We distinguished ourselves during battles such as Ypres, Artois, the Somme, Arras and Passchendaele earning a reputation as the most formidable and effective soldiers. Nazi soldiers became so afraid of Canadians and their determination that they called us “storm troopers”. That was Canada protecting the land of our friends and allies.
Trump and his Fox "News"-addled minions have no clue of what they would be up against with Canada. It would be Vietnam times a thousand.
Trump should read history - about the French Resistance, who fought Nazis with nothing but belief before they had weapons. Or to Poland, where underground fighters kept their nation alive despite being occupied by the world’s biggest armies. The Soviet Union collapsed after Afghanistan.
@MeanwhileinCanada yes, Denmark + Canada will mess usa up. We will help