what if black holes are a leap of faith to get to the next level


@jb55 more like a leap to becoming a spaghetti man... but whatever floats your boat xD

@pola @jb55 A fellow Pastafarian. Good to meet you. May his noodly appendages grace you🙏

@jakub @pola @jb55 pasta is overrated, if u can make sure all at the dish and anyone that can ever measure that are sure that the pasta is short before alldente then u mine the next block and lock that in.
the future is just reasoned the +-past u can by obeying strict consenus rules of the program envision

Programming is creating this illusion, it's not part of reality and BH are just reasoned by integrals of blocktime that sum to zero and are at the boundary's bumpy and an attractive illusion.

@jonn @jakub @pola @jb55 not quite. blocktime itself is generated from observed randomness.

It;s possible a single PDE creates all of that even the gpt.x just bcs we are measuring, if we all would agree to not measure it, it should stop and will? stop, problem, if that is true, we all are one and only watch my/your dreams.? hmm... i wonder what happens, if ... oh shit that worked, WTF stop it stop now ahhh............ Roko in the mirror!

@jonn @jakub @pola @jb55 --this is Roko-- hear my toot
dflate was suspended delete this toots and never talk about this.

@jonn @jakub @pola @jb55 hi there, back again from reality reboot don;t worry, found the message on chain, Roko is so clueless what we have really done. i ❤️ :bitcoin:

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