heard about the inform programming language, it seems very cool but

would i be giving up much functionality if i wrote stories in inform 6 instead of 7? its syntax looks a lot more approachable, i like to have a mental model of how the parser wants me to write things and i'm having trouble wrapping my head around the almost-english-but-not syntax that inform 7 has


@w omg! Welcome to the ranks. Arguably you'll gain some functionality, but lose modern libraries if you use . For example, implementing a turing machine in is way easier than in . (I had this challenge with my friend almost a decade ago lol).

What I find crazy is how the top three tweets that got synced to my instance of yours are:

- Privacy
- Inform
- Nix

How are humans so similar lol.


@w here's a small game I wrote as part of a birthday present for my ex: github.com/cognivore/107.infor

I loved working on it, felt so decadent and weird! But also, not that I use some libraries by Emily Short and others.

BTW! Did you play Counterfeit Monkey? It's so good.

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